Covid-19 has presented a lot of personal, professional and general unforeseen consequences that have impacted us all. From May to July Bayside Community Emergency Relief has been helping get needed items to a number of different organisations in Melbourne. We'd like to thank Louise Black of Animal Rescue Cooperative for all her help as well.
Some of our initiatives are included below:
Father Bob Macguire Foundation - We donated pallets of non perishable food. The Father Bob Maguire Foundation is a Melbourne based registered charity providing food relief, social inclusion, educational support and a range of associated services so that no one is left behind.
Transit Soup Kitchen – We donated non perishable food and tea, over two deliveries.
Donation Chain Inc - We donated toiletries and hygenie items for the homeless. They have been doing such a fantastic job providing emergency aid and relief to people at risk of homelessness/ people experiencing homelessness.
Pets of the Homeless – We donated pet food for our faithful companions. Pets of the Homeless Australia provides food, veterinary care and other support to pet owners in need. They help people who are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness by making sure their companion pets are well looked after.
St Kilda Mums – We arranged for nappies and other baby items to be delivered to St Kilda Mums.
BayCISS – A person being rehomed needed a fridge, which we sourced and delivered, along with some food and sanitary items.
Keeping Charlottes Promise – Marye Therese Whitla did a wonderful job getting animal food to our furry friends at Keeping Charlottes Promise. Keeping Charlottes Promise assist with the rescue, rehabilitation and release of any sick, injured and/or orphaned Australian native wildlife.