Every Dollar and every item you give can to Bayside Community Emergency Relief will help make a difference. Donate Now!
This pack includes items based on the season such as knitted beanies, lap rugs, handmade cards with messages, sun hats, hand cream, lip balm, large print word books, pens, soap, etc.
(Our aim is to support residents in NFP aged care homes with items designed to provide mental health support and encourage mental stimulation) . Donations are tax deductible.
This pack includes soaps, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotions, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, face washers, shavers & shaving cream for men, new underpants for women, socks etc. It is also adapted to our homeless packs when needed and those packs contain over 30 items each.
(Our aim is to provide essential needs items to adults and homeless in times of emergencies including natural and other disasters & domestic violence). Donations are tax deductible.
Designed to provide essential needs as well as items promoting mental health wellbeing for children aged up to 18years. 8 varieties of packs are produced in age groups and items vary in each version and generally includes full pencil cases, lip balm, sketch, colouring book, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, toiletries, activities for mental health relief etc.
(Previously produced for The Orange Door, Impact For Women, WAYSS, Emerge, Good Samaritan, SECAS and Family Life). Donations are tax deductible.

Donation Stations
You can donate requested goods at our donation stations located at:
Community Bank, Bendigo Bank Highett at 322-324 Highett Rd, Highett
Brighton Library: 14 Wilson St, Brighton
Your Dentistree at 1337 Nepean Hwy, Cheltenham
Chelsea Heights Community Centre: 160 Thames Promenade , Chelsea Heights.
Dingley Village Neighborhood Centre, 31B Marcus Rd Dingley Village
BCER Head Quarters, Moorleigh Community Village, Barry Neve Wing, 92 Bignell Rd, Bentleigh East
Community Bank Elwood at 142 Ormond Rd Elwood