4th Quarter Review. Another full throttle few months with volunteer sessions approx. every 2 weeks producing 2162 main packs, many of which held up to 3 smaller packs.
We provided ongoing, significant food relief to BayCISS & Grace Heart Community Church. Aid also went out to 2nd Chance Cat Rescue & the residents at Cavalry Care Brighton & to Emerge for domestic violence survivors. This included a car load of new linen & new kitchen items for their refurbished safe house complex. We also supplied robes for breast cancer survivors who educate & support others through Treasure Chest & the Royal Women's Hospital. Aid also went to North Balwyn Rotary for child refugees & a few huge van loads went to VACCA for domestic violence & homeless support. Windana St Kilda also received toiletry packs & other items. Ongoing deliveries of sleeping bags, backpacks, toiletry packs & even some Xmas mince tarts went to help the homeless through The Avalon Centre.
310 pairs of preloved prescription glasses went to U3A Bentleigh & 81 used mobile phones are ready to go out in the new year for domestic violence support. Donation to our 10c bottle recycling drive topped $2000 by new years eve! Every donation adds up & the result to date thanks to our community is sensational!
An urgent furniture callout for a family under the care of BayCISS was fulfilled in an hour or so as were a few other one of emergency callouts by locals.
Our founder Deb Brook was honored to receive a Caufield Local Hero Award from David Southwick MP. We are also grateful for ongoing support from families at St Finbar’s Primary school and the ladies division of the Victorian Gold Club.
Our Mega annual online auction raised over $13k this year which is the best result yet!
With the help of amazing team at Top Removals we delivered 168 comfort packs to the residents of Vasy RSL Brighton & East Brighton aged care. They also helped us deliver 150 packs for children under the care of Family Life which was funded this year by a generous grant from Bayside Council.
The lead up to Xmas was the busiest yet with 9 organisations requesting our help for well over 1,000 children under their care. The community came through yet again and we thank the amazing Mia at Boss Gym, Community Bank Dingley Village, Dingley Village Neighborhood Centre, Bunnings Moorabbin, St Finbars Primary School & Nick Staikos MP, Aus Independent Retirees for holding drives & donating bulk toys! Your contributions have made a huge impact, supporting the following organisations:
Chelsea Community Support
Emerge Support for Women & Children
Safe Steps (via the amazing Jodie Hickey)
Grace Heart Community Church
Port Phillip Community Centre
Refugees supported through Rotary Brunswick North (via the lovely Helen)
Closer to Xmas Woolworths Brighton donated a trolley load of mince tarts that went to 2 organisations & Crossway Baptist Church Brighton created 40 Xmas food hampers that went to 40 families who fled domestic violence & are under the care of Emerge for Women & Children.
The amazing Garbriela Amendola & GA Industrial held a Ladies Ball to raise funds to go toward our domestic violence support in 2025. A whopping $12,000 was raised on a fabulous night that included a fashion show, a songstress & original artworks & luxury hampers being auctioned & raffled.
The lovely Sally Fielding Mort held a wine group evening for Beaumaris U3A & raised much needed funds for us and the lovely ladies at the Victoria Gold Club made a very generous donation.
Before the year ended, Back to School packs were produced ready for January delivery & back to school aid was given to BayCISS. Behind the scenes, multiple families have also been helped thanks to a generous donation from Bayside Council.
We cant thank the community enough for helping us help others in need for the past 5 years! Your contributions are making a positive impact on thousands in need every year.
