Welcome to our 1st Quarter Review! A busy 1st 3 months of the year with a lot more to come!
Our 1st volunteer session for the year started January 3 & has run every few weeks since.
Back to school aid for 3 organisations was on this years agenda. Packs made for the Port Phillip Community Group were thanks to a generous grant from Community Bank Elwood. The community made a huge contribution and surplus new VCE books were on donated to the Les Twentman foundation. We also helped local families with vital food relief over the holiday period thanks to the support of Bayside City Council. we also helped a few families experiencing domestic violence as other support organisations were closed over the holiday period.
We also became an official charity partner of the Return It bottle recycling scheme!
Thanks to the generosity of the community and Community Bank Highett we were able to supply BayCISS and Grace Heart Community Church with non perishable food ongoing for over 3 months. It sadly went out as fast as it came in.
Emerge for Women and Children also received quite a lot of aid as did Humble Mission and Theodora's Cheerful Givers.
Our 1st load of counseling packs went to Taskforce and we also received a carload of goods generously donated from Officeworks Highett.
Woolworths in Church St Brighton donated a trolley load of non perishable food around Australia Day and Easter and Chelsea Church of Christ also gave a very generous food donation.
The Avalon Centre received a huge van load of goods for the homeless as well as a few carloads across the time. All thanks to our amazing community donations.
SECASA received 2 full carloads of items for their art therapy and counseling packs thanks to a generous grant from City of Glen Eira.
The Moorabbin Toy Library were gifted appropriate toy items that were donated to us but not able to be used and the Emerson School began making drawstring bags for us. The lovelies at Moongala continued to make 2 sizes of bags for our initiatives and we began our monthly aid callout posts targeting the most needed items for the month. We also donated items to Cavalry Care Brighton and wool to Sandringham Hospital.
Residents of Blue Cross Community Residential Services assembled 300 vital toiletry packs for us and the lovely Kerry at Black Rock Activity Centre donated another gorgeous rug made by the members there and CWA Bayside also contributed much needed drawstring bags. The Victoria Gold Clubs women's members continue with donations of small toiletries etc this year as demand is so high.
VACCA received a van load of aid including mens & womens emergency packs, comfort packs for children fleeing domestic violence, toiletry packs for the homeless and clothes.
We were honored that our founder Deb Brook received a nomination for Citizen of the Year through Bayside City Council and delighted by a huge $1800 fundraiser that the students at Elsternwick Primary held for us before Easter.
All up in 3 months we assembled: 691 packs!!!!
...it takes a village!
